Former actor, passionate about positive, people-driven experiences.

Arrow pointing right

I’m Skylar, a Product Designer with a background in acting, writing, and directing. Since I was a kid, I’ve loved storytelling and putting myself in others’ shoes to understand their experiences, which led me to a career in film and TV.

I’ve always been passionate about making a positive impact on people’s lives. When I felt like acting and writing were no longer offering me that opportunity, I decided to pivot. Now, the tools I used for years to understand and inhabit characters make me a better designer, focused on empathy, understanding, and usability.

What I love about UX is the way it combines creativity and analysis. I’d always dreamed of a career in tech where I could help shape the future of the digital world - and now I get to live it. 🥳

In my free time, I like to...

📚 Read sci-fi & fantasy
📺 Watch trashy TV (#BachelorNation)
🎭 Perform improv

Life is better with two monitors.

My cat Isla regularly makes appearances in zoom calls.

Probably reading an SJ Maas novel.